Welcome to space weather, issued by XMDV radio at Sun the 19 Jan 2025 at 00:30:14

In the last 24 hours Solar activity was at moderate levels with M-class flares observed. Region 3961 continued a trendof growth while Region 3964 began to showsigns of decay this period. Region 3967 developed anadditional spot and the remaining regions were largely unchanged fromthe previous period. No Earth-directed coronal mass ejections were detected in availableimagery. R1-R2 events are likely, with a chance for R3 orgreater events, over 19 to 21 january.

In the last 24 hours The greater than 2 mega electron volt electron flux was at normal to moderate levelsand the greater than 10 mega electron volt proton flux was at background levels. The greater than 2 mega electron volt electron flux is expected to continue at normalto moderate levels through 21 january. There is a slight chance for thegreater than 10 mega electron volt proton flux to reach S1 levels over 19 to 21Jan.

In the last 24 hours Negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream influences and mildly enhanced solar windconditions prevailed this period. Total field strength was between 4 to 6 nano tesla and the Bz component varied between + to to 5 nano tesla. Solar wind speedsdecreased from 550 to 500 kilometers per second. The phi angle was negative. Negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream influences are expected to continue over 19 to 21Jan.

In the last 24 hours The geomagnetic field was quiet and unsettled due to negative polaritycoronal hole high speed stream influences. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet and unsettled levelsover 19 to 21 january due to persistent negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream influences.

This has been space weather, issued by XMDV radio at Sun the 19 Jan 2025 at 00:30:14

Space weather was created by William Greenwood with material from the N O double A